Python basics

Python is one of the most popular programming languages.


Using Python

In console:

  1. Use Python in console / terminal: Python

  2. Type your code

  3. Quit Python in console: quit()

Run Python scripts In console / terminal:



Get help with functions and features
Help menu for python help()
Help section on function help("func") or help(package.func)
Functions in library dir("package")

File system, Import, Input, Output

import package: import os, shutil

Use file system
print working directory os.getcwd()
Change working directory os.chdir("path/to/dir")
List files in working directory os.listdir()
Create directory os.mkdir("dir_name")
remove directory os.rmdir("dir_name")
Create file with open("./filename", "w"): pass
Get info on file (size, time of creation) os.path.isfile("filename")
Rename file os.rename()
Copy file shutil.copy("source_filename", "dest_filename")
Construct file path from directory list os.path.join("path", "to", "file")
Importing other scripts
Executes the contents of the script.
Print to standard output
print(f"my Output includes a {variable_1} and {variable_2}.")


The built-in library is logging, however loguru is easier to use: pip install loguru.

Send log-messages to log-file
from loguru import logger
logger.debug("blablabla")"foo bar bash")

Operations, numbers, vectors, matrices

Assign values to a variable
Assign value to variable x = 4.5
Assign to multiple variables x = y = z = 4.5
Create a list
x = [1,2,3]

Matrices & vectors

import package: import numpy as np import scipy as sp

Create array / vector
x_arr = array([1,2,3])
Elementwise adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, … vectors
x_arr = np.array([1,2,3])
y_arr = np.array([4,5,6])
z_arr = x_arr * y_arr # or -, *, /
Common operators on vectors
maximum, minimum max(x) min(x)
Number of rows & columns x_arr.shape
Sum of the elements x_arr.sum()
Product of the elements
Mean of the elements x_arr.mean()
Variance of the elements x_arr.var()
Sort elements ascending np.sort(x_arr)
Sort elements descending np.sort(x_arr)[::-1]
Matrix multiplication np.matmul(x_arr, y_arr)
Dimension of matrix x_arr.shape
mode (highest count of val) sp.stats.mode(x_arr)
Percentile np.percentile(x_arr, 50)
Generate sequences
x_arr = np.arange(1,11,1) # Integers from 1 to 10
# Or
x_arr = np.arange(1,11,0.5) # 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, ... 

Repeat vector:

np.tile(x_arr, reps=2) # 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3

Repeat elements in vector:

np.repeat(x_arr, repeats=2) # 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3

Selecting elements in vectors

Select first element in sequence
x_arr[0] # ! not x_arr[1] !
Selecting first 10 elements in vector
x_arr[0:10] # ! not x_arr[0:9]
Selecting non-missing elements in vector
Append element
np.append(x_arr, values=[1,2,3])
Insert element
np.insert(x_arr, obj=2, values=[1,2,3]) # obj=index at which to insert
Delete element
np.delete(x_arr, obj=-1) # deletes last element
Create matrix/2D-array
x_arr = np.array([(1,2,3),(4,5,6)]) 
# [[1 2 3]
#  [4 5 6]]
Access matrix element
Access matrix column(s)
x_arr[:,2] # 3rd column
x_arr[:, 0:2] # 1st & 2nd column
Add rows and columns
np.vstack([x_arr, y_arr]) # add other array as rows
np.hstack([x_arr, y_arr]) # add other array as columns
Boolean operations
create boolean vector x_arr < 3 # [True, True, False]
Boolean operators <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=
and cond1 and cond2
or cond1 or cond2
not not cond
element in vector? x in [2,3,4]
identical np.array_equal(x_arr, y_arr, equal_nan=True)

If logical vectors are used in arithmetic operations, False becomes 0, True becomes 1.

Missing values
nan !: Operations with missing values return missing values. (nan + 1 is still nan)

Checking for missing values: np.isnan(x) (NaN = Not a number)

Assign value only to elements where condition is true
x_arr[np.isnan(x_arr)] = 4
Character string "..."
Escape character \
New line \n
Tab \t
length of string len(str)
Is seq of chars in string? "Halli Hallo".find("Hallo") # returns first idx: 6, if not found: -1
combine two strings into 1 "Halli " + "Hallo"

Concatenate arguments 1 by 1 as characters: " ".join(["Halli", "Hallo"])

Import package: import math

Operations on number
Absolute value abs(x)
round up to next int math.ceil(x)
round down to next int math.floor(x)
Exponent x**2
Modulus / remainder 10 % 3 # 1
Integer division 10 // 3 # 3


Convert types
a = int(b)
n = float(m)
y = complex(x)
Get type of variable


Contrary to arrays, the different columns of data frames can contain different data types.

import package: import pandas as pd

Construct data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(
  {"col1" : [1,2,3],
  "col2" : [12.4, 15.6, 16.9],
  "col3" : ["green", "blue", "white"]}
#    col1  col2   col3
# 0     1  12.4  green
# 1     2  15.6   blue
# 2     3  16.9  white
Functions on dataframes
Rename columns df.columns = ["rank", "result", "team"]
Get summary statistics on columns df.describe()
Access column df.iloc[:,1] or df["col1_name"] or df.col1_name
Add row, column df.loc[len(df)] = [4, 12.0, "black"], df["new_col"] = ["val1", "val2", "val3"]
Remove first row, column df.iloc[1:], df.iloc[:,1:]
Select row with max value of col1 df["col2"].idxmax()

Categorical values

You can store categorical values in pandas:

Create factor
df["col3"] = df["col3"].astype("category")

This will save memory and other python libraries will know that they should treat the column as categories.

Control structures

If … else …
if x < 5:
elif x < 10:
While loops
while(x < 10):
x += 1
For loops
for x in x_list:


Create function
def my_func(first_name, last_name = ""):
greeting = " ".join(["Hallo", first_name, last_name])
return greeting
Call function:
my_func("Donald", "Duck")